Overview of


The goal of the CSU Young Males of Color Consortium is to create systemic changes in higher education and improve outcomes for Black, Latinx, Asian Pacific Islander and Native American males. The 23-campus Consortium was established to explore the unique challenges young men of color face during their postsecondary experiences, as well as advance effective approaches to better support them.

The California State University (CSU) is the largest, most diverse 4-year public university system in the nation. Using this wide footprint, the CSU Young Males of Color (YMOC) Consortium, housed at California State University Dominguez Hills, will leverage the CSUs expansive geography and impact to create systemic changes throughout the state. Using the Collective Impact framework, the 23-campus consortium will collaborate with regional community colleges and community-based organizations to: 1) construct a common agenda, 2) advance mutually reinforcing activities, and 3) champion a shared measurement system.

Campus Consortium

Our goal is to affect systemic change leading to substantially increased transfer and graduation rates for young men of color.

23 Campus Consortium


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