Men of Color Programs in the CSU
California State University, Bakersfield
Excel Scholars
Excel Scholars works to support the educational goals of males of color on the campus of California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB). Excel Scholars aims to increase the access, retention, and graduation rates of underrepresented minority (URM) males.
California State University, Chico
Men of CHICO
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Male Success Alliance
California State University, Fullerton
Male Success Initiative-Fullerton
California State University, Long Beach
Men’s Success Initiative
The Network
Diverse Male Scholar Initiative
The Diverse Male Scholar Initiative (DMSI) at Cal Poly Humboldt and College of the Redwoods is designed to cultivate a safe community for students who self-identify as men of color by providing culturally centered programs strengthened with academic achievement, holistic development, community building, and leadership opportunities.
California State University, Long Beach
Men’s Success Initiative
Male Success Initiatives (MSI) stands with men of color of all races, creeds, sexual orientations, abilities, and other intersectional identities at Cal Poly Pomona. Through holistic and culturally relevant programming, cross-campus and interdepartmental support networks, and innovative services, we strive to close the gaps of retention and graduation rates among men of color at CPP.
Men of Color Success Initiative (MOCSI)
The Men of Color Success Initiative (MOCSI) supports and advances the potential of undergraduate men of color by empowering students with integral skills, community, and knowledge to foster success. The initiative focuses on increasing retention and graduation rates for men of color; identity exploration and holistic development through cultural affirmation and “brave space” communities; establishing a support network of mentors; and strengthening the sense of community among all students who self-identify as men of color (African American, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian-American/Pacific Islander, American Indian, and multiracial men, this also includes men of trans experience).
Fresno State University
Black Student Success Initiative
Fresno State has the Office of Black Student Success and our affinity group African American Student Success initiative. We will start a new overarching program called the Black Student Success Initiative in Fall 2023 to bring cohesion to multiple efforts across various units.
Sacramento State University
Improve Your Tomorrow University
Improve Your Tomorrow University (IYT U) is a partnership with Improve Your Tomorrow and Sacramento State University. IYT U provides community space, 1-on-1 mentoring, programming, social events, and other forms of support for young men of color on campus.
San Jose State University
I Can I Will is a First-Year Experience Program
I Can I Will is a First-Year Experience Program focused on increasing the retention and graduation rates of men of color, including African-American, Latino, and Pacific Islander males, in the Educational Opportunity Program. The mentoring program provides an additional source of support by building community and fostering a strong sense of belonging for EOP students as they immerse into SJSU.
Stanislaus State
Male Success Initiative (MSI)
The Male Success Initiative (MSI) at Stanislaus State will foster student growth and academic success by nurturing spaces where men of color and self-identified men feel safe to be purposefully vulnerable, live in their authentic truths, and be empowered to be agents of social change. MSI will inspire transformative learning through intentional programs, meaningful dialogues, & community building that will advocate for the dismantling of toxic heteronormative traits. The core of our work will revolve around reconstructing and healing from negative ideologies by promoting self-reflection, critical thinking, and empathy.